Share your Opinion We request five minutes of your time to give us valuable feedback about our website

Share Ur Opinion

  Q1) What is the purpose of your visit?

Q2) How often do you visit

Q3) Did you find what you were looking for?
Q4) Was there something missing you were expecting to see?
Q5) Kindly rate your level of satisfaction with the following aspects
Very good
Can’t say
Look & Feel of the website
Website Speed
Availability of information on our products and services
Overall navigation
Easy to read (Font Size and Font Style)
Q6) How does fare while comparison with other websites?
Q7) Where did you hear about our website?

Q8) What would encourage you to return to our website in the future?

Q9) Would you recommend Savashare website / products to your friends?
Q10) Kindly provide us your name and contact number if you wish us to contact you

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